Giving solid shampoo a try - my thoughts

Years ago I tried Lush solid shampoo bit just couldn't get the hang of it then last week I decided to try again.
The reason I revisited this alternative shampoo option is the nuisance cats and toddler kept dropping my shampoo and conditioner bottle in the bath, they'd proceed to take up water and voila, watery, runny, hair products.
I have naturally very thick hair so have to be careful what types of hair care I use as anything thickening will make me sweat like I'm wearing a hat indoors. I found this a little tricky as the shampoo bars didn't really specify clearly the type of hair they were for. Yes I could have asked but a) it was very very busy and b) I'm too socially awkward in those situations.
I ended up choosing a shampoo bar and a conditioner bar and got the little storage tins to protect them from the previously mentioned nuisances. I can't remember the names but the shampoo is orange and the conditioner is purple.

After a week of use, my opinion:
It has not caused my hair to thicken up to a bad wig. My hair feels cleaner with less residue and I believe that's because I'm using less. Both bars barely look touched but I've had a good lather from the shampoo each time.
My only negatives would be that, they need to be allowed to dry out afterwards so you can't just close the tin and be off and it's an expensive thing to "give a go", they only have 1 size so if I'd got one that didn't suit my hair type I'd have wasted that money. Testers a quarter of the size would be welcomed.

All in all I like it and will keep going with it.


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