I'm back

Sorry for the absense. After getting back from holiday I was cross the holiday hadn't been the magical depression cure I'd been hoping for (I exaggerate but I thought I'd be loads better).
Getting home made me realise only I can get myself better and I started to change my life!
In a nutshell I'm changing my business a little to seem like more of a high end product meaning photos and packaging overhaul
I've made huge changes to my house and living environment, i have done a lot of decluttering and cleared out of bags and bags of things. It is definitely making a difference in how I feel at home
I'm in the process of going back to work after 2 months off, it's tough but I'm getting on with it.

I have a lot of thoughts for blogs which I will try gradually post over the coming couple of weeks including...

My bikini body
Holiday recap / review
Some handmade seller features
Dipping my toe into YouTube
Decluttering challenge

I hope you'll all be along to read them



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