
Time to Talk Day 2019

As today is Time to Talk Day I thought it apt to share my mental health story. I suffer from depression and anxiety which is thought to be a chemical imbalance rather than justified depression. Meaning I often feel depressed when there's nothing to be depressed about and I am then unable to answer "what's up?", in fact I deal with things much better when I have a justification. I have suffered from depression probably from about age 13. I hid it for a number of years and lived in denial. I remember my friends speaking to a teacher through concern when I was about 14ish and that teacher just told me I was 'attention seeking' and to stop. I hid it for a number of reasons, I didn't want people to think less of me, I didn't want my parents blaming themselves, I didn't want people dismissing me as angsty. I self-harmed, sometimes a lot. It wasn't 'attention seeking', it wasn't because I thought I was bad or that I needed punishi...

Multivitamin Regime

I'm finally getting on the multivitamin bandwagon For someone who takes a fair amount of meds I've always been rubbish at taking vitamins. I don't know why I can remember other things but never something as simple as a multivitamin. After being told I have low iron levels and knowing I'm vitamin D deficient I think it's about time to start taking my vitamins. I went onto MyVitamins website and ordered some bits which I think will help to cover what I think I need. I did check with my GP before I started because I am on a few different things and I know certain medications and vitamins or herbal remedies can clash, I'm alright as long as I'm not taking St Johns Wort. I've checked all the levels and doses and made sure none are at risk of overdose too. I've also ordered 7 day pill box so I don't have to keep my tablet bottles with me all the time. I'm now taking 2 different multivitamins and vitamin D3 which involves 4 huge tablets and ...

A Nag about Nits

Today I want to talk about an unpleasant subject - head lice aka nits I know it's not nice and just hearing about it (and writing about it) is enough to make you itchy but it's a problem most Mum's face. My annoyance is the people who don't check, don't treat and don't handle it! There's nothing wrong with getting nits, it happens to almost everyone but not treating it is unacceptable because it not only effects your and your child's lives but also other people your child interacts with. Some heads seems to be more attractive than others, I know people who's children have never had then and then there's children like Roo who seem to get them every single time they are doing the round. Lately she's been coming home with 1 or 2 big fat adult lice now and then, cue a full hunt and there's nothing else so I think they're coming from someone else and I'm luckily catching them early. I feel like we should have shares in nit tr...

Monday Health Check In 29/01/19

On Monday's I will be doing a bit of a health review and summary for the prior week. Why? There is a lot of taboo still surrounding medical issues including mental health, womens problems and other health issues and I hope by sharing some of my experiences this might help normalise some things. I do not want any sympathy for this, I'm just sharing to help others in the same basket and to dispel some of the ridiculous taboos. I have: Depression, Anxiety, PCOS & Unspecified Abdominal Pain (they can't diagnose a source) This week my back has started to improve but I can feel it's still weak. Even simple things can lead it to twang, especially in my shoulders. A busy day, even of walking can cause my shoulder to seize up and my arm to feel bruised and tingly all day. I can't sit at my computer for too long at a time without a decent break because that's what makes it the worst. It is getting there though. My sleep has gone to crap this week though. I fee...

Don't force your goals on my child

In the Internet age there's so much more out there about when your child should be doing what and people talking proudly about their child hitting milestones. It's brilliant that people have this platform to share their pride, it's great your child is ahead of the curve etc. HOWEVER Do not push your goals, timelines and achievements on my child Your child was potty trained at 18 months? That's great, you must be very proud, my child wasn't and guess what? I don't care. Your child knows all their timetables? Fabulous, mine isn't there yet and that's okay. Let me be clear, I am not saying we should ignore developmental delays or anything like that. I'm saying you shouldn't make another person feel bad because their child isn't as advanced as another. This doesn't just go for parents online, this goes for friends and family too. When Roo was younger I used to get so upset when family would say things like "oh she isn't walki...

Monday Health Check In - 21/01/2019

On Monday's I will be doing a bit of a health review and summary for the prior week. Why? There is a lot of taboo still surrounding medical issues including mental health, womens problems and other health issues and I hope by sharing some of my experiences this might help normalise some things. I do not want any sympathy for this, I'm just sharing to help others in the same basket and to dispel some of the ridiculous taboos. I have: Depression, Anxiety, PCOS & Unspecified Abdominal Pain (they can't diagnose a source) This week I've had the added problem of having a bad back, all the muscles in the top half of my back and in my shoulders seem angry and inflamed. My GP thinks it could relate to an inflammatory response to a virus, the virus could have been so minor I didn't notice it but it still managed to anger my back. Then to top things my sock betrayed me when walking down the stairs causing me to fall and land on my back, OUCH! The result is this week...

There's no IMDB for life

I was speaking to a friend about Alzheimer's and Dementia the other night, we'd been discussing videos we'd seen on Facebook and people we'd known suffering. The conversation was basically around a video which is doing the rounds where someone is trying to get a relative to remember who they are, repeatedly asking "who am I?" "how do you know me?" and the older person is getting frustrated and upset while it's obvious the asker is getting upset. I understand it's hard when someone is forgetting you, it must be heartbreaking in every case but I can't see how upsetting and stressing them is going to help, surely all it will achieve is them getting frustrated and even more unlikely to remember. It's hard that they can't remember you are their son/daughter/sister/brother but for that moment can't we all just be their friend? Instead of stressing about forgotten old memories can't we just have a day of fun and make new memorie...