Busy day, loss of patience

Today I have not stopped, I know this is the case for most Mums but I'm dead on my feet.
My day started when Roo woke me up at 6am. Daddy has a serious case of man flu mixed with an undiagnosed musculoskeletal condition so he was totally out of action last night and this morning.
I got Roo ready and fought the traffic to drop her off with her childminder.
I fought back through rush hour traffic to get home to the germ and the work I had to do.
Cue 2 hours of making shopping bags, writing address labels and packing everything away.
At 11am I got in the car to start the main part of the day, drop 11 parcels at the post office and jump back in the car to head to Hull, an hour and 20 minute drive.

Got there an hour early but thankfully they saw me early. The reason I drove all the way to Hull is because I'm taking part in a voluntary (read unpaid) drug trial into the possible treatments for PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and that's the centre running the trial. Sometimes I think I'm mad for doing all this (for the second time) when there's no pay but then I remind myself it might mean a new treatment option by 100s or 1000s of women suffering this crappy condition, and that one day it might help Roo if she develops it from my genetics.
Today's appointment was just the initial tests so a quick blood test, measured, weighed (yuck!) and a pregnancy test (negative, phew!). I was in and out within about 30 mins with a return appointment in 2 weeks when they have the results of my blood tests; liver function, kidney function and androgen hormone levels.

On the way home I had, what felt like at the time, a stroke of genius! I should go to Ikea and buy some bits for my business and some bits for me. I love Ikea but it is far less fun alone and when I'm tired and sore. After Ikea I popped into Toys R Us but without company it was no fun and also I'm sure it's shrunk as I've got older. Swing by Krispy Kreme, shhhhhh, and head home. So of course I hit traffic and have to go straight to get Roo.

From picking Roo up all she has done is argue, even when I was agreeing with her, no matter what I said in response to her she'd get louder and grouchier while repeating her point. It didn't matter if I agreed or disagreed she carried on, ignoring her seemed to make it worse.
Get home and she asks for a bath. Okay, reasonable request and she does need a bath but of course it didn't go smoothly. First the boiler reset while running the bath which means I have to reset it and wait ages, while she shreiked at me that it wasn't hot yet (no water was running but apparently I was expected to magically heat the bath). When she finally got in the bath I was completely exhausted! Which meant the next argument, where I was actually agreeing again, was the moment that pushed me over the edge. I shouted at her and started to cry, thankfully Daddy came to save the day at this point so I could stay still for 30 seconds.

Now I'm waiting for bedtime when we'll have a cuddle and make friends. Then I am finally going to get the painkillers I've needed since about 10am but kept forgetting to take when I could.

I'm tired, I'm cranky, I feel guilty for shouting and I hurt like hell! Thankfully an apology and a cuddle always fixes everything. and she says I'm still her best friend!

It's hard to admit I've snapped so easily under pressure but I'm sure lots of us do it and I'd rather be honest with you in case you're going through the same thing. Being a parent is hard! It's bound to happen. Just love them and you'll get through it.
and sometimes a beer and doughnut will help 😄


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