Potty Training

We have recently finally managed to potty train (I say we, I'm actually quite experienced at using the toilet so really it's been Roo). The biggest challenge now is night times. 
Roo is smart, I think most 3 year olds are smarter than we give them credit for, and she seems to know when she's wearing a nappy. I've been buying Huggies night-time pull ups and I've managed to convince her they're "night time pants" but I'm not sure she's fooled. 
She will tell us she needs a wee on a night but this seems like more of a way to delay going to sleep than her moving towards being dry over night. 

As for the Huggies pull ups. They're good, she likes the designs and can be very picky. We currently have the 'boys' ones as she wanted Lightning McQueen but I cannot see any difference in the pull ups other than the blue colouring on the packaging and pull ups. It does annoy me they are marketed as boys when it's just another colour but Roo cannot read and also just doesn't care. 

Any tips for night time training would be greatly welcomed. 



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