Sick of Nits!

Today we've done our usual twice weekly hair check and once again she's managed to pick up head lice. We use repellent shampoo, we have combs all over the house, we comb her hair regularly and still they come back. There must be something about her that they really like because every time we've got rid of them they come back.
If you do not check your child for nits regularly and don't treat them promptly then you are not a good parent. They're itchy, they're awful and they give ammunition to the bullies.
We live in the 21st century, we are modern men and women, between us we should be able to keep a little parasite under control.
But no, there'll be someone out there who just doesn't bother, doesn't check their child and then rest of us are suffering as they pass them on to every child they interact with!

I've reached a point where I no longer bother with the harsh chemicals, they come back anyway and Roo hates having them on her head. Instead I arm myself with 2 weapons which clear up the problem every time.
1) Tea tree shampoo and or spray
2) The Nitty Gritty Nit Comb

The Nitty Gritty Nit Comb is magic, it's like all out warfare against head lice. It has longer than normal comb teeth close together and each tooth has a weird spiral groove in it which tackles the problem like no other comb I've used. Something about this comb makes it stronger against the enemy. The spirals mean it not only picks up lice but also the eggs and removes them from the hair. Any Mum who's faced head lice knows the eggs (the actually nits) are the hardest thing to get rid of. You can comb with a regular comb for hours but if the eggs stay behind the lice will be back!
At around £10 (£8.86 on Amazon but I've paid more in store when we lost one at the worst time) it is not the cheapest of combs but if you read the reviews you'll realise it's worth it. On Amazon at the time of writing this (08/09/2017) it currently has 4.7/5 stars including 873 5* reviews, there is also some negative reviews but not everyone will ever be happy. It works for me and we've bought multiples!

**All the thoughts in the post are my own, I have not received any items free and I have not received any incentive for the words written** Review section also published on Amazon


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