Every night is a fight

Does anyone else have a fight at bedtime every night???

Roo isn't naughty she's just got far too much energy all the time and bedtime can take up to 2 hours!
What's worse is she's smart! So she knows if she says she needs the toilet I'll have to pay attention because we're toilet training.

She makes sure to just push so far so she doesn't miss out on any treats.

Most nights we have:

  • I want Daddy - Daddy goes up
  • I want Mummy - Mummy goes up
  • I need a wee
  • I need juice
  • I want more milk
  • I need a poo
  • I want *insert very specific teddy which hasn't been seen in weeks*
  • I need a wee
The problem is, if Mummy or Daddy's very thin shred of patience gets broken and we get cross with Roo she starts sobbing hysterically and that takes more calming down. 

Before the perfect parent squad starts; she has a bedtime routine which has been set in place for months, involves plenty of winding down time, cuddles etc. We've tried later bedtimes, we've tried different routines, we've tried everything we've been recommended and nothing has worked. 

It seems we are doomed to do this dance nightly until she's older. 

Better sign off, I'm being called "Mummy, what's that noise? I'd like juice"
Her cup is a cm from full so obviously needs refilling!


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